
What is the 99 Club?

The 99 club has been developed to help raise standards in Mathematics by encouraging pupils to improve their mental maths and therefore increase the speed and confidence they tackle mental maths problems in Mathematics sessions, across the curriculum and in day-to-day life. 


All pupils have one opportunity per week to complete the next level. This is done at the same time across the whole school All pupils from Reception - Y6 are encouraged to have a go each week. The pupils will complete each club in 10 minutes unaided. All pupils start on 11 club and work their way up. When they move from one club to the next the number of questions that the pupils are expected to answer will increase by 11. When they achieve a particular club, the children will be awarded with a badge, which they can wear with pride until they need to trade it in when they achieve the next club.


KS1: Reception children should have achieved at least 33 club by the end of the summer term, whereas Y1 would be expected to have reached at least the 88 club. By the end of KS1 the pupil should have completed and achieved Gold badge to be in line with National Expectations. 


KS2: In line with National Curriculum expectations by the end of Year 3 children should have achieved their 77 badge, whereas by the end of Year 4 pupils should have achieved silver badge. To be at the expected level at the end of Year 6 pupils should have achieved their platinum badge.

Content Coverage
Key Stage One
  • 11 club: missing number sequences and addition facts to 5.
  • 22 club:  addition and subtraction facts within 5.
  • 33 club: addition facts within 10.
  • 44 club: addition and subtraction within 10 including missing number facts.
  • 55 club: addition and subtraction within 10 including several numbers.
  • 66 club: addition facts within ten including intelligent practice with number bonds within 100.
  • 77 club: addition and subtraction facts within 20 including doubles up to 10.
  • 88 club: addition and subtraction facts within 20 including missing number sums.
  • 99 club: addition and subtraction facts (within 20) including x 2 multiplication facts.
  • Bronze: x2, x5 table facts plus addition and subtraction facts including missing number facts 
  • Silver: x2, x5, x10 table facts plus addition and subtraction facts including missing number facts 
  • Gold: x2, x5, x10 table facts plus corresponding division facts 
Key Stage 2 
  • 11 Club:  x2, x5 & x10 table facts (Random consolidation of Y2 table facts).
  • 22 Club: x2, x5 & x10 table facts with added intelligent practice based on multiples of ten (3 x5 = 15 so 3 x50= 150).
  • 33 Club:  multiplication and division facts with x3 tables. 
  • 44 Club: x3 multiplication with added intelligent practice based on multiples of ten (3 x3 = 9 so 3 x 30= 90).
  • 55 Club: multiplication and division facts with x4 tables. 
  • 66 Club: x4 multiplication with added intelligent practice based on multiples of ten (4 x4 = 16 so 4 x 40= 160).
  • 77 Club: Multiplication and division facts with x 8 table facts and consolidation of x3 and x4. 
  • 88 Club: multiplication and division facts with x 6 tables, including intelligent practice with multiples of ten and consolidation of x3, x4, x8 table facts.
  • 99 Club: multiplication and division facts with x 7 tables, including intelligent practice with multiples of ten and consolidation of x3, x4, x6, x8 table facts. 
  • Bronze: Multiplication and division facts with x 9 tables, including intelligent practice with multiples of ten and consolidation of x3, x4, x6, x7 & x8 table facts.
  • Silver: Multiplication and division facts with x 11 and x12 tables, including intelligent practice with multiples of ten and consolidation of x3, x4, x6, x7, x8 & x 9 table facts.
  • Gold: All table and division facts from x1 – x12 tables.
  • Platinum: All table and division facts from x1 – x12 tables but including intelligent practice with multiples of both ten and hundred, decimals to one decimal place and introducing square numbers and square roots.