
Physical Education

Curriculum Intent


PE is a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum and an essential contributor to the development of the whole child.


At Mevagissey School, we aim to offer a wide and varied sports package which will develop the children’s skills and confidence; ensuring knowledge progression and sequencing of concepts is endorsed throughout. It is our intention for children to enjoy physical activity and are therefore able to adopt a healthy lifestyle - one where they can discover their talents and have a life-long love of sport. Our principles will also positively encourage children to share, respect, support, trust and work together.


The use of external sports coaches (links with Go Active) alongside the development of the school staff, ensures PE is delivered to a clear and structured timetable, in line with the National Curriculum, resulting in an effective curriculum implementation.




Curriculum Implementation


These aims are embedded in our PE lessons and our wider curriculum. We plan activities in PE so that they build on the children’s prior learning, while we give children of all abilities the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding.


Skills are learnt from the start of the child’s journey, and developed, challenged and enhanced as they progress through our school. The diversity of our lessons also allows the opportunity for everyone to find an element they like and can pursue, from dancing and yoga to swimming and football.


We will achieve this by:

  •         Providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that satisfies the needs of the current National Curriculum and provides pupils with appropriate challenge.
  •         Develop a whole school approach to physical development which takes pupils through progressive stages of learning and challenge, enabling them to fulfil their potential.
  •         Educate pupils about, and involve them in, the process of risk management, in order for them to participate independently in physical activity.
  •         Ensure pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to make appropriate decisions and use skills, tactics and compositional ideas.
  •         Provide pupils with opportunities to use imaginative ways to express and communicate ideas, solve problems and overcome challenges, both as individuals and as part of a team or group.
  •         Ensure pupils understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.
  •         Provide extracurricular activities which extends and enriches provision and enables pupils to make sufficient progress to access curriculum sessions with greater success.
  •         Provide opportunities for competition appropriate to the stage of the individual pupil’s development.
  •         Ensure that pupils enjoy PE and school sport and establish community links and pathways for pupils to engage in life-long participation.
  •         Provide links to other areas of the curriculum and wider school, county and national agendas.




Curriculum Impact


The impact of our PE Curriculum at Mevagissey school, will be carried out via assessments during lessons, mainly through observations and through discussion with the children.  A key feature of Assessment for Learning is children taking control of their own learning, facilitated by the teacher. Peer assessing is therefore used), which in turn develops the child’s speaking and listening skills. We will also be monitoring the number of children taking part in extra-curricular activities. We will continue to promote School Games competitions and encourage our pupils to achieve their best in a wide range of activities.


It will be measured by how effectively it helps our children develop into well-rounded individuals who carry with them the skills and attitudes, which will make them lifelong learners who are ready for the next stage of their education and valuable future citizens.

P E  Key Progression skills
Click on the document below to view our Key Progression skills that we have created to support our curriculum. Progression in computing and skills is explicitly planned for and intertwined through our termly curriculum mapping.