
Dolphin Class

Dolphin Class - Year 1 and Year 2
Our teachers are Mrs Rogers and Mrs Fletcher..

Autumn Term  


Autumn 1:  Street Detectives


 Novel Study


Year 2: The Clockwork Dragon


Spring Term
Year 1
Place Value (within 20):
The small steps include: count within 20, understanding numbers 11 through to 20, 1 more and 1 more, using a number line to 20, estimate on a number line to 20, compare and order numbers to 20. 
Addition and Subtraction (within 20):
The small steps include: add by counting on within 20, add ones using number bonds, find and make number bonds to 20, doubles, near doubles, subract oes using number bonds, subtraction one using number bonds and counting back, subtraction by finding the difference, related facts and missing number problems.  
Place Value (within 50):
The small steps include: coun from 20 to 50, count by making groups of tens, groups of tens and ones, partition into tens and ones, the number to 50, estimate on a number line to 50 and 1 more and 1 less. 
Length and Height:
The small steps include: compare lengths and heights, measure lengths using objects and measure length in centimetres. 
Mass and Volume:
The small steps include: heavier and lighter, measure mass, compare mass, full and empty, compare volume, measure capacity and compare capacity. 
Year 2
The small steps include: count money (pence), count money (pounds), count money (notes and coins), select money, make the same amount, compare money, find the total, find the difference, find change and two step money problems. 
Multiplication and Division:
The small steps include: exploring the patterns of the two, five and ten times tables in a range of real-life contexts. They will begin to solve simple puzzles and generate number stories. Children learn to calculate answers using a range of practical methods, including using concrete objects, drawing pictures and making arrays. They discuss their reasoning with adult support.
Length and Height:
The small steps include: measure length (cm), measure length (m), compare lengths, order lengths and four operations with lengths.
Mass, Capacity and Temperature:
The small steps include: comparing mass, measure mass in grams, measuring mass kg, comparing capacity, millilitres, litres and temperature.
Homework in Dolphin Class
RWI reading book
Each week the children will bring home a reading book or a ditty sheet or green words to practice that are linked to the reading they have been doing in their daily RWI lessons.  Please read these with your children each day.  The children record the number or reads they do across the week, and they are aiming for at least 5 so they can get the reading reward on a Friday.
We ask that they read their RWI book at least 3 times so that each time they are practicing their sight word recognition, understanding of the story but also their fluency.  The book they bring home should not be challenging for them as the challenge will come in the lessons in school.  The books they bring home are purely to help build fluency, speed and confidence.
Each week the children will bring home a sheet linked to maths that they are learning in class.  Please encourage your children to practice this sheet on their own and they can use physical objects to help for example cubes or counters.
Topmarks - Hit the button game
Please practice number bonds to make 10, number bonds to make 20, doubles to 10, halves to 10, the 10x tables and the 5x tables using these quick fire fluency games.