



Preparing our children for the digital word by unlocking their potential.




Technology is changing the lives of everyone. Through teaching computing we equip our children to participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. 

It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information in an effective way. 

Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. 


The national curriculum (2014) defines three clear aspects of computing curriculum: Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT) and Digital Literacy (DL) that are taught termly progressing skills through out each term and year group. Children will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding in each area from the Foundation Stage to Year 6.



EYFS and KS1


In Reception and KS1, the children will begin by developing their understanding of technology and how it can be used effectively to help them. They will become familiar with different parts of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills and will also start to consider how to use technology responsibly. They will explore the world of digital art through its exciting range of digital tools. The study of digital writing empowers children to take control of their writing by changing the size and front of their text. The children will be introduced to data and information through the concept of labelling and grouping objects based on their properties. Finally, they will learn that computers follow precise instructions (algorithms), experience what happens when the instructions are ambiguous and understand how to make specific instructions.




In KS2, the children begin by developing their understanding of digital devices, with an initial focus on inputs, processes and outputs. They compare digital and non-digital devices and compare them to computer networks that include network infrastructure devices like routers and switches. They will develop a range of skills to create a stop frame animation, adding other types of media, such as music and text. Learners will use desktop publishing software and consider careful choices of font size, colour and type to edit and improve premade documents and evaluate how and why desktop publishing is used in the real world. They will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create an effective one. Learners will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create and enhance their own programs, featuring sequences. They will develop their knowledge and understanding of algorithms exploring the links between events and actions. Finally, they will be given the opportunity to design and code their own programmes bringing together elements of all the four programming constructs.


Teach Computing/Purple Mash

We utilize two brilliant schemes to support our teaching of Computing and upskill teachers. Teach Computing provides excellent sequences of learning that allow our pupils to accumulate knowledge and skills. Purple Mash supplements this, offering pupils a platform to develop skills such as coding, web design and the importance of online safety. 


Online Safety

Children are taught the importance of Online Safety through our PSHE Scheme, JIGSAW. We also participate in Online Safety Day each year and regularly discuss with children how to stay safe online, both in class and during assemblies. Teaching is split into six key online safety strands with each strand being covered once in each year group:



When pupils leave Mevagissey School, they are equipped with the skills they need to excel in a world where we are increasingly reliant on technology. Pupils understand how to use technology safely and effectively. We provide children with a thorough internet safety education. 

Computing Key Progression skills
Click on the document below to view our Key Progression skills that we have chosen to support our curriculum. Progression in computing and skills is explicitly planned for and intertwined through our termly curriculum mapping.
Two year rolling Program
Please click below to see our curriculum coverage in Computing